Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The Process

I've been asked why my "what's on the easel" link, that I've had in the past, is no longer on my website. Frankly, it was too hard to keep up with it, by posting works in progress. My blogsite however, makes it much easier to add works in progress. So those of you who have asked, here I've granted a "works in progress". This painting (16 x 20) is currently in progress. On this painting, I had decided to work out my value patterns prior to using color. So I "blocked in" the general painting, using burnt sienna and white, thus establishing my values. Once this dries, I'll begin painting in color, well, once I establish a color scheme. I've tried several gouache color comps, and have yet to find one I like. Ahh, the process.


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